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Combining artistry with technology to craft architectural woodwork

Harvard Business School - Aldrich Hall

Cambridge, MA

This monumental project included; seventeen separate classrooms and connecting paneled corridors including; stairs, curved seating,  radiused desks, in quartered cherry, and custom metal.

In institutional environments, where interiors’ lifecycles of 50 to 100 years tend to be the norm, we build with an eye for durability and history while still paying careful attention to the technical needs of today and tomorrow.

Baker Design Group


Shawmut Design and Construction

General Contractor

A lecture hall at Aldrich Hall. MRW built the permanent tables for the hall.

A lecture hall at Aldrich Hall. MRW built the permanent tables for the hall.(C) Lucy Chen Photography

MRW fabricated the wall panels that enhance this space. MRW worked closely with Harvard, Shawmut and Baker Design Group to create a state-of-the-art lecture hall for Harvard.

MRW fabricated the wall panels that enhance this space. MRW worked closely with Harvard, Shawmut and Baker Design Group to create a state-of-the-art lecture hall for Harvard.(C) Lucy Chen Photography

A beautiful curved wall enhances this space. The quality and craftsmanship we put in our trim and wall panels will stand the test of time at Harvard.

A beautiful curved wall enhances this space. The quality and craftsmanship we put in our trim and wall panels will stand the test of time at Harvard.(C) Lucy Chen Photography

(C) Lucy Chen Photography

This grand stair, trim, rail and wall paneling was impeccably renovated by MRW.

This grand stair, trim, rail and wall paneling was impeccably renovated by MRW. (C) Lucy Chen Photography